The information contained in the reading is pretty straight forward--you need a camera to take pictures, a tripod is helpful, and a super-telephoto lens will provide you with more opportunities, but the macro stuff really spurred for me. That's probably because I just haven't seen a lot of it and I'm looking forward to exploring that more.
The further discussion of tripods was again straight forward--the types of heads, lightness vs. stability, the ability to quickly move, and a handy little tip to jury rig yourself a bean bag and bird attractant with sunflower seeds.
The super-telephoto lens section was the standard education in focal length, zoom, and lens speed. I really enjoyed the line, "black super-telephotos are classy." I love brand loyalty.
There's good advice for being out in the field about carrying your tripod, getting a pouch for memory cards and having a bag around to keep your camera dry. But I don't think I'm going to invest in a vest. I tried using one for fly-fishing and it was hot and uncomfortable.